UniFighter - 1.0.14
1. Server Online Game
- Photon Network
2. Single Fighting Game
3. Google Login, Google Cloud (Score)
4. User Define joystick setting (RT, LT)
* Health, Mentality, Mobility Bar
* Action Button
Touch (Head, Body, Pelvis, Thigh) Attack and Drag Move
* MovePad
Center Click - Move to TargetPlayer
Up ,Dn Left Right Direction - Player Move
* AttackPad
Up Direction - Jump
Dn Direction - defence
Left Direction - Left Punch
Right Direction - Right Punch
Up+Left Direction - Back Punch
Up(high)+Left Direction - Jump Punch
Up+Right Direction - Back Kick
Up(high)+Right Direction - Jump Kick
Dn+Left Direction - Left Kick
Dn+Right Direction - Right Kick
MovePad Center + AttackPad Dn - Energy Wind
* Attacking ( Myself . Opponent )
LeftPunch : . Mantality(-10)
RightPunch : Mental(-4) . Health(-4)
BackPunch : Mental(-10) . Health(-10)
LeftKick : Mental(-6) . Health(-6)
RightKick : Mental(-8) . Health(-8)
BackKick : Mental(-12) . Health(-12)
Jump : Move(-5)
JumpPunch : Move(-15) . Health(-15)
jumpKick : Move(-20) . Health(-20)
EnegyPunch : Mental(-20) . Health(-20)
Defence : Mental(+2)
* Defence
Defence - LeftPunch, RightPunch , LeftKick , RightKick
JumpPunch - JumpKick
Jump - EnegyPunch
* Joystick Button
0Button - LeftKick
1Button - RightKick
2Button - LeftPunch
3Button - RightPunch
LB/ RB Button
JumpPunch(LB+X) Jumo (LB+UP) JumpKick(LB+Y)
BackPunch(LB+A) EnergyWind(LBT+RIGHT) BackKick(LB+B)
LeftPunch(X) Defence (LB+LEFT) RightPunch(Y)
LeftKick (A) Move(LB+DOWN) RightKick(B)
* Match record : total - win - lose
Calculate upgrade color every 30 games
* Color Grade - White, Yellow, Blue, Red, Black
* Rank Point - If you win a grade above your grade in the grade above yellow
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