Years and Days Calculator is an advanced date calculator and Time Travel app designed for both personal and professional use. Effortlessly calculate the number of days, weeks, months, and years between two dates. You can also travel back or forward in time by a specific number of days, months, or years from a selected date. Discover your age in years, months, and days, and track the exact number of days, weeks, months, and years since your birthday.
New Features:
Visual Dual Calendars with Location Support: Compare two dates using separate visual calendars, assigning a specific location to each for accurate time zone calculations.
Zodiac Signs: Instantly find out the zodiac sign for any selected date, enhancing your understanding of astrological influences.
GPS Location Distance: Easily calculate the distance between two locations using latitude and longitude coordinates. You can select locations from a map or manually enter coordinates for precise results.
Map & Coordinates Selection: View a world map to pinpoint locations or input coordinates directly for exact latitude and longitude values. The "Locate Me" feature allows for quick automatic location detection, streamlining your experience.
With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities, Years and Days Calculator simplifies date and location-based calculations, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to manage their time effectively.
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