Diana Niebuhr
Love the pictures and your prises are fair for the patterns, i love this, almost as much as cross stitch world. You only need a bit more and you are there. A posibility to see the whole pattern while you stitch, not just a little square. I dont mean the picture should show, i love that it is the pattern like for real when you stitch. I realy hope you understand what i mean, but i am from Denmark,, and dont know how else to express it. Sorry but thanks for an awesome game.
13. september 2023
Dear Diana, We understand what your mean, really appreciate your suggestion. We will consider adding a preview function in the new version.
Angela Mørch
Efter lang tids brug kunne jeg pludselig ikke få de daglige bonusser, den loader bare. Jeg endte med at afinstallere app og geninstallere for så at opdage jeg har mistet alle de mønstre jeg har lavet og de "penge" som stod på min konto 🙄 Total irriterende.
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