Aghy Baita
The game is awesome but unplayable, to level and evolve you need items from so called bounty hunts, you can t survive the lowest level, you depend on strangers that need to be fat cash players and even from these there are too few that help , so it s a sweet game with amazing ideas and graphics, except the idea you can t solo it, you re stuck at kinda beginning , pity ! it s a sad uninstall for me :((
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Cool wizard version of bang survival. I progressed pretty far in bang survivor, but it got tedious and the timezone of game made it so I could never do the boss raids. This game is better in my opinion, as the systems are more interesting and don't hinder me. Rounds start to get pretty laggy though after 10th wave, I dont have that issue with other high performance games. May need some optimizing or at least some settings to reduce effects
1 person found this review helpful
Angels Venom
Very bad tutorial. I was just pressing things that was shown on the screen without even knowing what am I doing. Also all the other options on the screen were never explained. Like the inventory, academy and the shop. Not even close to the quality of a normal pc/console game. This shoudltn exist at all. If you can't do something right, don't do it at all!
6 people found this review helpful