"Mystery of Dreams 3: The Great Journey" ends the educational trilogy with an epic and educational adventure aimed at students in the 3rd year of Elementary School. In this final chapter, the Guardians of Dreams face their greatest mission: a journey through unknown lands full of challenges.
The Dream World is a magical and mysterious place where all things lost in the real world end up. It is where our fears arise and where all legends and fairy tales originate. But this fantastic place is in danger! Called to solve mysterious disappearances, children become Guardians of Dreams and embark on a great and unforgettable adventure.
Developed in accordance with the MEC National Curricular Guidelines for Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Human and Natural Sciences, MDS 3: The Great Journey offers 32 episodes full of educational challenges. Children will learn to read, write, count, order, classify, recognize the diversity of the environment and living beings, identify human actions that threaten the environment, recognize attitudes of care and preservation and identify instruments for marking time and historical records.
Available for tablets (iOS and Android) and PC, this game masterfully combines learning and adventure, ensuring that children have fun while consolidating essential concepts for their academic and personal development.
Embark on this epic journey and discover the secrets of the Dream World in MDS 3: The Great Journey!