B Peters
Game is average for a typical block filling game. The biggest complaint is that when picking 1 of the 3 Completion Chests where you can win 1x, 3x or 5x bonus,....ITS RIGGED to only payout the 1x benefit the vast majority of the time. Pathetically obvious and makes you want to Uninstaller everyime you play.
1 person found this review helpful
DisRupt ThreeSixty
Since they asked me again, I will answer again. It's simple: this game is what it is. No more, no less. It serves it's advertised purpose as well as some other, non-advertised purposes for example allowing, through it's repetive nature, for a person to slow their mind after committing some unspoken atrocity in the furtherance of racketeering influenced escapade.
50 people found this review helpful