Hailey Winstone
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Thank you for continuing to add new levels! The game is addictive and beautiful. I paid to get rid of ads straight away so I could play uninterrupted. A level select in a future update would be useful as I'm scrolling back to try and get 3 stars on all the levels and it takes a while to scroll!
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Mr. Jazz Salcedo
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I see that it has been put back to the original plan. It is nice to see it the way it was. However, the ads are just a bit much. I understand that they're required, but at each and every turn. It's not cool. Also, the game should play on, so to speak. I mean, 2 stars should be 3 if the game is that close. Now, I see that trying to remove the spiders takes more than just matching 3 to get rid of them. I guess you want people to purchase more than those of that can't afford that.
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John Terrill
Uninspired match 3 gameplay with a theme that is followed haphazardly. My biggest complaint, however, is how unfriendly the game is to those with color vision impairment. I struggle mightily to distinguish between red gems, green gems, and brown pottery.
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