The game consists of 115 stages.
And the more you go through the steps the harder the problem becomes.
If you have a clogging problem, you can go ahead and try to solve the next problem first.
However, to upgrade to the next level, you must solve all the problems in the previous steps!
So now, challenge the god of the game!
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* This work utilizes traditional patterns served in "Culture Portal".
** This work uses images from (
Designed by Creativeart / Freepik ,
Designed by Dooder / Freepik
*** This work uses Flaticon images. ( Icons made by SimpleIcon from is licensed by
CC 3.0 BY ,
Icons made by
Freepik from is licensed by
CC 3.0 BY **** This work uses paomedia's image in iconfinder. (
***** All content in the game is protected by intellectual property rights. The user shall not use the content obtained by using the service for commercial purposes by using the reproduction, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent with the manufacturer, or use it for the third party.