Magic has many names: esoteric - as a secret teaching of the mystical essence of the world and man; occultism - studying the hidden forces and phenomena of our space and personality; witchcraft - as a technique of ceremonial magic, which is a rite or ritual aimed at influencing nature, events and people; demonology - telling about contacts with supernatural beings; - all this is magic - the science and art of knowing the universe and yourself as part of it. And in order to make your way of learning the best quality, it is wise to use auxiliary tools, such as this app!
When a practitioner decides to use witchcraft and adopts an old occult ritual, he needs to choose the right time for it. Not only the phase of the moon or the nearest eclipse plays a role, but also the planetary clock. And experienced practitioners will say that the geomagnetic activity of the planet can also affect the result of magical influence.
For Rodnovers and those practicing pagan rites, the Slavic-Aryan calendar (Kolyada Dar) and the solar calendar are provided, showing the exact time of the equinoxes and solstice.
Extrasensory perception or the sixth sense is the ability to sense and perceive energies beyond the physical plane, is an integral part of magic. You can test your psychic abilities in the "practice" section. And if you practice every day, at least for 15 minutes, then you can quickly learn clairvoyance.
About the application:
- Current weather
- Graph of geomagnetic activity for 3 days
- solar calendar
- Moon calendar
- Slavic-Aryan calendar
- Upcoming eclipses
- Planetary (magic) hours
- Lunar day (Lunar day)
- Nakshatra
- Zodiac signs
- Practical exercises for concentration (attention), breathing, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and attunement
- Divination (Tarot cards, Runes, Book of Changes, dice, coin)
- Basic magic keys
- Magic (priest) square
- Numerology by name
- Horoscopes by date of birth
The main task of the application is to provide the user with real-time information about the processes and phenomena that affect the physical state and energy. This makes it possible to better understand the situation and choose the most favorable time for certain actions.
In addition, you can get data for a specific day and hour. This can be either a date of birth or a future predicted event.
We also managed to implement some magical practices, making them not only mobile, but also convenient to use.
Another application allows you to guess using various prognostic methods. These divinations, although simple, are very effective if taken seriously. However, it is not recommended to resort to them too often, so as not to devalue the message of the universe.
And, of course, the educational part, which will certainly be of interest to a beginner esoteric practitioner. Contains information about Tarot cards, Runes, demonology (goetia), sacred pentacles, etc.
From the author:
This application was created for myself. But the thought arose that it could benefit other people as well. Therefore, I share with you, dear friends, my creation.