Monique McClinton (Mo)
I gave it a one star. You cant play it offline, it's very minimalistic, and I like the music, but it too is very repetitive and a dumb window ad keeps popping up every like 30 seconds, + im sick of the woman screaming every time I beat a level, and can you remove the “Something is wrong.” thing like every time i reach a new level? It slows me down and it's kind of annoying.
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Zyak Cleric
I'll give 2* only because it's fun. It's fun, there's active ads on the screen with are fine since they're not in the way, but there's usually 2 ads that pop up that you end up having to wait on time. 1 after the level, 1 directly before you read why it's wrong. I understand it's how the game earns money, but the 2 time ones need to be space out better. That's all. Uninstaller it for now
2 people found this review helpful
Boxer Britt
Absolute Trash. Worse than the reviews prepared me for. Top banner ad CONSTANTLY plays audio. Every 'wrong' tap popups a clickable ad, each correct guess is an ad, plus once/minute or 2 a 30s ad plays The 'puzzles' have no concept of 'wrong', clearly they just randomly chose a spot on the image and they give you some bs reason why after. You go from clicking dead bodies to two girls giving a boy the thumbs down hand signal being 'wrong' -_- 5 levels and 50 ads in and I'm uninstalling
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