Rachel &
Generally good apart from two problems. I've reached the star count for the next level but it remains locked. Also sometimes when there is a shuffle a tile is out of view and can't be chosen so the whole level has to be redone.
369 people found this review helpful
Stacey Chapman
I didn't mind the ads, but once you get into the game that Medicare ad pops up. Once you start getting that there is no way to back out and it's the only ad that pops up. A big pain. I stupidly put my info in hoping once I did I would never get that ad. Now I am being harrassed by Scam Robo calls. I would recommend no one EVER getting sucked into this game. Any Company that would put their users through this care nothing about their customers.
885 people found this review helpful
Patrick Scott
Realty great game but I can't open the next level. I have every star possible in the first level but I can't open the next level so I'm getting rid of it. Fix this bug and I'd rate it 5 stars!
354 people found this review helpful