Jean Pierre
This game has many strong sides and many issues too. The puzzles are great but too many bugs with pieces and physics making parts moving slowly, getting stuck, and holes empty yet 'blocked' breaking the resolution of the puzzle. It's too often and v annoying. So, the only issue is to restart: re boring, lengthy ads, often the games can't even be downloaded if you wanted to!, etc. As often, great games ruined by complete lack of business and marketing accumen. Play offline or uninstall.
Erik Hermansen
The ads are reasonable compared to other games. But the puzzles aren't very predictable as to what a good move would be. So it's luck, memorization, or boosts that get you through past level 20 or so. The physics often create holes that are basically open but slow movements have you clicking repeatedly for the millisecond when a screw can be placed. A block hanging straight down over a lower empty hole will often have this problem where the lower hole is blocked even though it shouldn't be.
3 people found this review helpful
Ashley den Hoed
I paid $3.99 to remove ads, but I still have to watch an ad to get power ups! You either have to buy and power for for "coins" or watch an ad. After paying for NO ADS, I'm still left with the same two options!