Good school and remembers the sixties and seventies was one of the entertainment we played dose, dose 3 times 9 times and 12 times, and sometimes on a piece of cardboard for varied game play and plot lines were sometimes on the floor Hashbh cement our school buildings nut usually a nostalgic rock again we have designed more with engaging gameplay and board games we added another I hope you enjoy this game. And play online with friends around the world
Features of the game
Allows you ten members from all over the country and even all over the world online games.
In this game you can play while you chat with your opponent.
If the two sides played very good game speed and a fast Internet connection is Sryh game.
Play for vector design elements and the large and small screen does not make any changes in the quality graphic elements of the game screen.
Game, registered in the game simple and does not need to learn the different parts of the game.