Charge Overload: Crossy Cables

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Connect your device with electric charger in this fun puzzle game. The devices are low on charging and twisted plot wires are entangled with each other. You have to chain break the tangled wires and pushpin the tightrope wires to their respective devices. Charge Overload - Crossy Cables has one of the most interesting and difficult mechanics. This game is easy to play but hard to master. The twisted plot tightrope wires have created knots with each other. You have to first chain break the wires and then pushpin the wires in the devices. The devices include mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Plug the tightrope wires in the socket and then into the devices. The realistic physics will test your accuracy on how you deal with twisted plot wires. The electric charger is different for each device. A wrong connection of electric charger from a device will reduce your points earned at the end of each level and will damage the device. Pushpin the cable in the devices properly as the devices may not charge if the tightrope twisted plot wires are not chained break properly and plugged in the correct device.
Connect the plugs of electric charger in the matching sockets. This game has a twisted plot of tightrope twisted wires that you have to untangle first. Chain break the wires and pushpin them into the devices to charge them. The tightrope wire color and the device color must be same. If the chained break wires are connected to the device with different color, the device may be damaged. The twisted plot of this game is to chain break the wires and pushpin them with accuracy. This game is a one finger game where you have to touch the wire of electric charger and drag it to the respective device.
Enjoy this fun and real mechanics electric charger pushpin game.
Azken eguneratzea
2023(e)ko ots. 13(a)

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