My BBA App


Über diese App

Join the Black Business Alliance and gain access to the My BBA App - the ultimate tool for managing your membership, expanding your network, and staying connected with the latest events and resources. With one-touch connections, seamless membership updates, and easy access to Black-owned businesses and events in your area, My BBA App is the perfect companion for supporting and growing your business.
● Manage Your Membership: Update or upgrade your membership with ease through the app, ensuring you always have access to the latest resources and benefits.
● Grow Your Network: Connect with other Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs in your area, building lasting relationships and expanding your network.
● Access Exclusive Events: Get priority access to the latest events and resources, ensuring you're always in the know and never miss an opportunity to learn and grow.
● Find Nearby Black-Owned Businesses: Quickly and easily find Black-owned businesses in your area, supporting your community and strengthening the local economy.
● Support Black-Owned Businesses: Use the app to discover and support Black-owned businesses in Connecticut and beyond helping to drive economic growth and equality.
Download My BBA App today and join the Black Business Alliance - the premier network for Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
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