Hearts - card game

Enthält Werbung
1 Tsg.+

Über dieses Spiel

The goal of the Hearts card game is to be the player with the lowest score at the end of the game. When one player hits the maximum score, the game ends and the other players win.

At the end of each round, players count the number of hearts they have taken as well as the queen of spades, if applicable. Hearts count as one penalty point each and the queen counts as 13 points. When a player collects all 26 points, all opponents score 26 points instead of him or her.

Before the round begins, players select 3 cards to give to their opponents. The player holding the 2 of clubs plays first.

Each player must follow suit if possible. If a player is void of the suit led, a card of any other suit may be discarded. However, if a player has no clubs when the first trick is led, a heart or the queen of spades cannot be discarded. The highest card of the suit led wins a trick and the winner of that trick leads next. There is no trump suit.

The winner of the trick collects it and places it face down. Hearts may not be led until a heart has been discarded.
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