főzős játékok : Cooking Town

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10,9 E vélemény
1 M+
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A játékról

Cooking games are fun and challenging time management games that will test your skills in the crazy kitchen with Fever of Cooking Battle in the City. Here in the Cooking Adventure of cafe games, as a chef in a restaurant you have to cook good pizza great pizza as fast as you can to serve maximum customers. There are also different restaurants in this Cooking Simulator of food game in these restaurant games to fulfill your Cooking Craze and Cooking Madness. In baking games, cook & serve different recipes and become a Crazy Chef in chef game & pizza games.

In the cooking town and Cooking City, cooking games for adults with your Cooking Mama, when you will be moving to higher levels you have to cook various dishes as quickly as possible, which can be a real challenge to make your diary for cooking in Voyage. However, these kitchen games are also very exciting to see how quickly you can cook up a storm in the crazy kitchen.

There are also several restaurants available in these Cooking Fever of food game and cooking game where you can make your cooking town. In this Frenzy with multiple restaurants, you have to manage restaurants and make sure that all customers are happy so that you will get rewarded. This Cooking Adventure can be real fun, and make good pizza great pizza with Craze and you can satisfy your Madness by playing cooking games and food games.

So if you're looking for some cafe games to play, try cooking town with your Mama. In these time management games you compete in cooking challenges against other players, unlocking new recipes and items as you go in a Battle.

Being a cooking lover of cooking games & baking games, you should try out a cooking town that puts your culinary skills to the test with the Fever of restaurant games.

Specifications of Cooking Town, fun cooking games:
Firstly, this Cooking Simulator of kitchen games with Cooking City allows the user to travel to different & countries as Crazy Chef in and make a Diary. These food game & chef game also allow the user to cook & serve various dishes like good pizza great pizza in a crazy cooking for their customers at a given time in the Voyage. The combination of these two features is what makes these pizza games more exciting than anything. Traveling to different countries to fulfill your Craze and Madness is not common in every game, but this Cooking Adventure of cafe Games allows the user to experience new cultures and see the world. The ability to cook good pizza great pizza and food with your Mama for different cultures according to their preferences.
Play cooking games through maximum levels of Frenzy and compete against other chefs with Fever. Serve up a variety of dishes in restaurant games as quickly as possible to win the game.

Some of the food game available require an internet connection to play but you can play cooking Town to satisfy your Cooking Madness. Start playing time management games and improve your cooking skills now by making good pizza great pizza and other food as Crazy Chef. In cooking games for girls & pizza games. show your Cooking Mama what you got by sharing your leaderboard score to show your Cooking Craze.

Download now Cooking Town, cooking games: This Cooking Simulator of kitchen games & baking games will take you on a virtual tour of the beautiful City and new crazy cooking of Cooking Fever. With realistic graphics and sounds of Cooking Battle with diary of cooking, you'll feel like you're right there in the kitchen as a chef in these chef game & cooking games for adults!

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2024. szept. 18.


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Egy új, speciális frissítési verzió már elérhető a Cooking Town-on:
* Élvezze a világ konyhájának nagyszerűségét és gazdagságát Rómában és Velencében.
* Játékoktatóanyagok és jutalmak frissítése, hogy jobb legyen a főzési élmény szakácsaink számára.