Tuber Life Simulator 2

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Tentang game ini

Would you like to learn what it's like to be a Tuber or a Streamer? Or would you like to become a Tik-Toker? In this game, you can be anyone you want! Apart from creating videos, streams, and tik-toks, you can also hire employees, improve skills and equipment, fulfill advertising contracts, run a business, buy real estate and means of transportation, have relationships, families, children, or pets. But first things first:

- The game features 28 different genres, ranging from vlogs, reactions, letsplays, and challenges, to popular science, interviews, shows, and mystery! Each genre has several sub-genre options for you to choose from: for instance, you can choose the "Let's play" genre and put your favorite game in the sub-genre, thus creating a video on the playthrough of any game! Or you could choose the "popular science" genre and pick a space theme. Open your imagination and start creating!

- If you want to create tik-toks, you get to choose from 17 genres and their unique sub-genres that can also be changed: from challenges to lifehacks! Create different tik-toks, get into trends and become a popular Tik-Toker!

- If you don't like creating videos, you can try broadcasting live in a variety of genres, ranging from letsplays to music streams! Collect views, followers, and paid subscriptions to become the most famous streamer!

- You can't do without equipment and a team for all the above-mentioned things! Hire employees: screenwriters, makeup artists, cameramen, etc.! Working alongside them, you boost your video recording skills! For tik-toks, buy new smartphones, lighting, and other equipment, raising the overall quality! And for the streams, you will need a good computer and equipment: buy spare parts for your PC, starting from the processor and ending with a keyboard, buy a variety of microphones, headphones, and more!

- When you become a popular Tuber, Tik-Tocker, or Streamer, you will certainly need to establish your own business that can be improved! You will be given many options: for instance, you can sell all kinds of merchandise to your fans or start up a huge corporation!

- The game also offers a life simulation: you can have a wife or husband, children, and pets. They will all grow, live and interact with you. The game presents many types of real estate and means of transportation that you can buy and improve!

- It also has a non-linear plot with moral choices that lead to one of six endings with 19 variations of the story. Those who prefer the classic simulator can deactivate this mode.

All of this and so much more can be found in the "Tuber Life Simulator 2"! :)
Diupdate pada
2 Jan 2025

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Rating dan ulasan

36,7 rb ulasan
Orriza Arya Sathrya
28 Januari 2025
Game bagus sih tpi ngumpulin uang nya agak susah
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
April liokurniawan33
27 Januari 2025
Gamenya sangat keren dam mudah di mainkan
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Muhammad Gibran Syaputra
14 November 2024
Gamenya keren patut di acungi jempol
1 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?

Yang baru

- Техническое обновление.

Dukungan aplikasi

Tentang developer
Александр Морозов
Улица Большая Московская д.63, корп.1 Великий Новгород Новгородская область Russia 173020

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