Learn to Read! Bini ABC games!

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Tentang game ini

Educational games for toddlers are the best way to engage young minds. Let your child learn the fun way with learning games for kids.

The Live Letter universe is an educational wonderland with more than 400 mini games for kids. Preschool learning games get your child ready for school with alphabet learning activities that include tracing letters and reading games for kids. Letters to syllables to reading on their own, these kids learning games are designed by experts in early education. And ABC tracing is just the first step! Interactive Letter characters and modern kid-friendly graphics make the app intuitive even for toddlers.

Our preschool learning games feature:

🦊Funny Live Letter characters – they’re rascally and silly and help with ABC learning
🐱A step-by-step training program full of kids learning games – the app’s Learning Path is made up of letter games for kids
🐭All basic reading skills – in the Playroom, your child can play the alphabet game and gets lots of reading and writing opportunities
🐹Letter repetition that isn’t a snooze – the Gallery of Letters houses dozens of animations and short scenarios to help learn and memorize letters with abc tracing
🐰Hundreds of hours of educational content – exciting games for toddlers and constant updates mean more and more learning fun
🦕A variety of languages – in addition to their native language or the abc alphabet, your child can start getting to know one of the many other languages available in the app!

Please note: only part of the content in the screenshots is available in the free version of the app. To gain access to all app content, you need to make an in-app purchase.

Learning games for kids are a great way to introduce children to their first words and abc learning. They can learn to read with ease by tracing letters that come to life before their very eyes. Phonics and letter pairing activities also develop a strong foundation to being able to fluently read first words.

🌻Bini Games (ex-Bini Bambini)🌻

We create engaging kids’ educational apps for ages 3-6. With our educational games, children can engage in alphabet learning, numbers, phonics, and more. We’re inspired by the concept of edutainment and strive to cultivate a child’s natural curiosity.

If you need help or have questions, get in touch at [email protected].

Diupdate pada
17 Des 2024
Tersedia di
Android, Windows

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Rating dan ulasan

25 rb ulasan
Helen Maku djawa
10 Juni 2022
Aplikasi bagus dan anak cepat mengerti tp terlalu banyak iklan, coba iklan nya dihilangkan
20 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Bini Games
10 Juni 2022
Kami sangat menyesal Anda tidak dapat menikmati permainan kami secara penuh. Aplikasi kami memiliki paket berlangganan yang menghapus semua iklan. Anak Anda akan dapat bermain tanpa gangguan! Selain itu, kami secara teratur menambahkan konten baru yang menarik untuk pelanggan kami. Bergabunglah dengan kami!
Saniyah Nia
21 Mei 2020
Untuk menginstal aplikasi ini butuh waktu lama banget,nggak taunya nggak bisa dimainkan...kecewa banget!
84 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Bini Games
31 Mei 2020
Halo, terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda. Komentar Anda akan diperhitungkan.
Selly Noor Andriyani
12 Juni 2021
Saya suka sm Apknya, meng-edukasi bgt. Menyenangkan dan ga bikin bosan ;)
64 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Bini Games
14 Juni 2021
Terima kasih atas ulasan Anda. Senang melihat Anda menyukai permainannya. Kami akan senang untuk mendapatkan peringkat bintang 5 dari Anda.

Yang baru

Minor bugs have been fixed. Enjoy the smoother play!
Got any ideas on how to make the app even better?

We would be happy to hear from you at [email protected]. Think that we've done a great job? Rate us in the store!