Ingush alphabet

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Tentang aplikasi ini

App for the study of the Ingush alphabet. Suitable for learning the alphabet for children and adults.

You will be able to learn Ingush alphabet in a short time.

To consolidate, additional tabs have also been added in which you are shown different options for displaying Ingush words.

Ingush words are voiced by a native speaker. Therefore, the pronunciation will be as correct as possible. Unlike a speech synthesizer.

The "words level 1" tab you will need to learn how to pronounce each word in the Ingush language

Tab "words level 2". You will hear an Ingush words and you must select its translation.

Tab "words level 3" You will hear the translation of the Ingush words and you need to select its transcription

Ingush translated into English and into Russian

Learning the Ingush alphabet and learning Ingush words is easy.

Let's learn the Ingush language together, step by step.

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Diupdate pada
31 Jul 2024

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Vorozhbyanov Evgeni Aleksandrovich, IP
6A/1 Olminskogo ul. Biryuch Белгородская область Russia 309920
+7 910 737-11-96

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