Match Pairs 3D – Matching Game

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Tentang game ini

Match Pairs 3D is a card match onet puzzle game where you need to link pairs of images by dragging them. Find all pairs, clear the board and win! Find all pairs in onnect pair matching puzzle game before the time runs out!
Enjoy colorful collections of images with sweets, fruits and other items. Begin matching tile pairs! Match Pairs 3D onnect pair matching puzzle game is a perfect time-killer for zen relaxing, testing your memory and brain skills.

Why you’ll love Match Pairs 3D - tile connect classic match onnect pair matching puzzle game:
- More than 1000 onet puzzle game levels, offering an enjoyable and funny experience of matching 3D tile objects on the screen
- Easy onet pair matching puzzle game mechanics won't let you get bored or stuck while matching cards!
- Challenging matching card game modes! Get ready for new challenging onet 3d puzzles in a picturesque matching pairs 3D onet puzzle game.
- Endless Hints! Just find all pairs of tiles before the time runs out!
- Progress saving! You are able to pause the game at any time and get back to matching 3D objects in onet 3d puzzle game from the same place.
- Train your brain: concentration, observation, and logic. Search and connect tiles to beat the level! Master your mind and memory skill with Match Pairs 3D onet 3d card match puzzle game.
- Matching 3D tiles in onet 3d onnect pair matching puzzle game is really relaxing and will certainly have a calming zen effect!

Match Pairs 3D is such a simple and cool tile match onnect pair matching puzzle game to relax and pump your observation skills. What else do you need?
The matching card games mechanics are super easy! Find identical pictures, and pair them by dragging one onto the other.
Download Match Pairs 3D onet 3d pair matching puzzle game and play now!

Diupdate pada
4 Des 2024
Tersedia di
Android, Windows

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Rating dan ulasan

26 rb ulasan
mi004 demang
23 April 2022
Lumayan game nya, cuma males karna setiap pergantian level selalu iklan. Data di matikan malah gak bisa dimainin
46 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
11 Mei 2022
Hi! We appreciate your interest in our game! We understand that the ads are irritating, but we need the revenue to improve our game. We are doing our best to minimize them as much as possible to your comfort!
Marieska Wattimena
30 Januari 2021
Sebenarnya bagus sih permainannya...cuma iklannya kebanyakan...kalo bisa dikurangi...
52 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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25 Januari 2022
Hey! We are glad you gave our game a chance! We are doing our best to make it cool and fun. So your feedback is truly helpful. Stay tuned for the updates! :)
Merry Elizabeth
7 Februari 2021
Gamenya bagus suka banget sudah di level 325 knp waktunya anjlok dari 100 ke 49 harap ditinjau 🙏 makasih
69 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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6 April 2022
Hi there! Our team is glad you like the game. We're doing our best to make the app even better. So if you have any suggestions for improving our game, please send them to [email protected]. Thanks for your feedback!

Yang baru

1. Fixed some bugs in the game.
2. Other minor changes.