Recorder Lessons - tonestro

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Learn to play the recorder and improve on rhythm and pitch. tonestro listens to you while you play the recorder and gives you immediate live-feedback on rhythm and pitch. A tuner lets you tune your recorder easily.

tonestro for Recorder offers a large collection of songs, exercises and guided lessons for every skill level. Learn how to read music notes and improve your recorder skills by playing many songs and exercises.

With the tuner you tune your recorder fast and easily for perfect pitch. A metronome and specially composed background music with play alongs for many songs guide you the way to perfect rhythm.

Weekly challenges with hand-picked songs give you the extra motivation to improve your skills when you compare yourself with recorder players from around the world.


- Get instant feedback on rhythm & pitch
- Learn to play the recorder or learn something new
- Enjoy a large collection of songs
- Discover recorder lessons & exercises
- Start with your first lessons on music notes or choose from many songs
- Learn the correct fingerings with fingering charts
- Tune your recorder with our integrated tuner
- Enjoy songs with play alongs
- Stay motivated with weekly challenges


Learn how to play the recorder or improve your skills with lessons, fingering charts and exercises. Step-by-step lessons will guide you through your first notes on the recorder. Detailed explanations and fingering charts tell you how to play a certain note. A tuner helps you find the correct pitch. Test your knowledge in exams and see how fast you progress. Use your newly learned skills and play your first songs on your recorder.

For experienced recorder players there’s always something new to learn with advanced lessons, songs and exercises.


Use tonestro’s live-feedback feature on rhythm and pitch to improve your skills. See where you struggle with intonation and work on your pitch to become a better recorder player. Switch to practice mode and choose a slower tempo to work on getting that rhythm right. Let the metronome guide you through the songs and use the tuner to not only tune your recorder but also to see which notes are the ones you have to be very careful with pitch.


Discover songs from all music genres and play recorder songs for every skill level. Whether you’re a fan of classical music or you prefer jazz songs instead: With tonestro’s large sheet music library you’ll find just the songs you need for playing your recorder.

And you don’t have to play alone: With play alongs you’re playing with a whole band in the background. Always on your side is the tonestro tuner, which is an easy-to-use tuner that will make sure that you’re in tune. And there’s always the metronome that will guide you through the songs.


Do you want to prove your skills? Enter our weekly challenges! Compete with recorder players from around the world and fight for the podium. Practice the songs to score as many points as possible and become the best recorder player in the tonestro world. Don’t forget to use the tuner first, so that you can start the challenge with perfect preparation.

Diupdate pada
18 Des 2024

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Rating dan ulasan

3,63 rb ulasan
Roberto Harefa
8 Desember 2023
Saya suka akan Apps ini, tetapi hal yang saya benci adalah, saat tak menggunakan headset, saat ada note, dia mati, lalu menyala, sementara saat menggunakan headset, lagunya akan mati saat kita melakukan kesalahan, saya punya Ide, Alangkah baiknya jika seperti halnya game, Memiliki 3x kesempatan, kalau gagal, maka lagu berhenti, dan mulai dari awal
3 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
toko sepeda jaya
8 Agustus 2022
Bagus sih tp yang level 2 gk bisaaa di buka ini aku lagi updaye oh ya klo suling kalian merk yamaha dowload yang ini ya
10 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
8 Agustus 2022
Hi, is there anything we can help you with? If so, please get in touch with us via [email protected]
punk enno
10 Maret 2023
sangat bagus, sesuai dengan bintang
4 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
27 Juni 2023
Hi, thank you for your feedback! If you like the app, we would be very happy if you would give it a 5-star rating. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Yang baru

Get into the holiday spirit with our new songbook of classic and contemporary Christmas tunes, perfect for players of all levels to enjoy this festive season!