Madinah Arabic course part 1

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Informazioni su questa app

The app for the study of the Arabic language developed according to the methodology of the Medinah course part 1.

Suitable for those who start learn Arabic from scratch, as well as for those who want to strengthen their knowledge.

The essence of the whole application is that you need to collect phrases in Arabic. With us you will learn Arabic language in a short time step by step.

For those who start learning Arabic from scratch. We recommend that you first learn the Arabic alphabet, which we have specially designed for beginners to learn Arabic.

If you have already completed the Medina Arabic Course Part 1, you can proceed directly to the second part of the program. Medina Arabic language course part 2

The Arabic language lessons developed in this course are built according to the following methodology. Each lesson has 1 to 4 tabs.
(Sharkh madinah) description of Medinah course
Arabic verb conjugation
Arabic verbs
Arabic words
Dialogues in Arabic

Depending on the lesson, one or another tab will be available to you.

Tab "Description of lessons (sharh of the Medinah course)". Full and detailed description of the Arabic language rules used in this lesson

Words tab. By going to it, first open the list of new words in Arabic. To do this, click on the button in the form of books (bottom right). All words in Arabic have voice acting.
After you learn the Arabic words, proceed to testing the learned material.

Each tab has a progress bar at the top. If you correctly collect the phrase in Arabic, the scale increases otherwise it decreases. To open the next tab, you need to fill the scale to 100%.

Dialogues tab. In it you must collect dialogues in Arabic.

Verb conjugation tab. You will need to conjugate Arabic verbs.

Tab "Verbs" Arabic verbs that will need to be collected, as well as Arabic words.

The app has three voice options. Two male and one female. Because of this, it is ideal for learn Arabic for sisters or children.

In the settings, you can switch to different modes of study Arabic.
You can put to collect the phrase by ear. First, the announcer voices the phrase (word) in Arabic, and only then you must collect it by ear.

"Arabic for advanced" you can switch to the manual input mode of Arabic words.
There is a built-in Arabic keyboard designed specifically so that you do not need to enable it in the settings. You can also disable it and use the standard keyboard.

Learn Arabic step by step with us.
Our website:
Ultimo aggiornamento
28 lug 2024

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Assistenza per le app

Info sullo sviluppatore
Vorozhbyanov Evgeni Aleksandrovich, IP
6A/1 Olminskogo ul. Biryuch Белгородская область Russia 309920
+7 910 737-11-96

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