釣り船に荷物を積み込み、釣り竿を出すとすぐにアタリが来ます。 チャンスを逃さず、掴み取りましょう。
猫を撫でてみましょう。 大きな打撃を受けるかもしれませんが、必ず治ります。
▶ Collection of various fish species
Catch a variety of fish and fill out your encyclopedia.
You can see fish information.
▶ Go fishing
Enjoy fishing with your cat in various places.
When you fish, you gain experience and your level goes up.
You can earn fish-money through fishing activities.
▶ Packing a fishing boat
Build your fishing boat using the cats, boats, fishing rods, bait, and equipment you have in your inventory.
▶ Inventory
You can equip your fishing boat with the items you have and set up the environment.
▶ Achievements & Leaderboards
Show off your skills with achievements and leaderboards with friends from around the world.
▶ Raise level & experience
Depending on your level, your options for locations, ships, and equipment expand.
▶ shop
You can purchase items for fishing.
Fill your inventory with items that can increase your fishing success rate.
▶ Buy Item
You can purchase items with fish-money and can-money.