아이 유치원 수학 게임

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게임 소개

Learning Numbers games for kids in Nursery and Montessori. Teach your kids about Numbers, Number Line, Counting, Addition, Subtraction, Sorting and Matching using preschool activities. Learning numbers for preschool can be fun and easy for kids.

Features of Preschool math games for kids:

• Twenty colorful & engaging fun math activities games designed to provide basic number concepts.
• Core activities for foundation stage of primary school kids.
• Also covers maths games topics in categories such as sorting, addition and subtraction.
• A common playground for randomly playing all the games.
• Easy and intuitive instructions for the kids.
• Reward at the end of each game.

Kids preschool app designed especially for kids (2-5 age group) to lay the groundwork for learning preschool numbers and basic math learning for kids without losing interest. 20 high quality activities at a single place, with enticing rewards, keeps your kid amused for hours. Educational games are perfect for kids to inculcate inquisitiveness for in their early childhood.

Different sections such of preschoolers app as counting, before/after, ascending /descending, addition and subtraction etc. touch on the elementary arithmetic skills. The activities encourage kids to learn at their own pace. No winning and no losing keep the kid enchanted with the experience of the game. Rewards and appreciation earned at the end of each activity boost the kid’s morale and make it really cool math. Adorable stickers can be collected in a box after scoring enough points.

So, if you are looking for math homeschooling or preschool math lessons for your kindergartener, download this kindergarten kids app for FREE now. Discover all other educational apps from Greysprings "Play and Learn" series, that will keep your child happy and active.

** Privacy

1. Privacy policy: http://www.greysprings.com/privacy

2. We do not collect any personal information about kids
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 16.

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C-126, 1st Floor Naraina Industrial Area New Delhi, Delhi 110028 India
+91 93135 36451

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