Logicross: Crossword Puzzle

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 1.37만개
콘텐츠 등급
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게임 소개

Welcome to Logicross, a free and enhanced version of the letters and numbers puzzle game!

⭐Play Logicross: Crossword Puzzle - Where code games and logic come together. Decrypt quotes now! ⭐

⭐Classic Word Games, Revamped⭐
Your search for a highly competitive and complicated word puzzle game is over, as here comes the letter puzzle game, which combines the genres of word search, word game, brain teaser, and cross logic puzzles into a single game. Dive into our code games and guess the word puzzles, where connections word game meets word guess challenges.

Whatever you are looking for can be found in this cryptic crossword game. Even the excitement of quote puzzles is available through fill in puzzles. It’s fun to guess the word and continue this word connections game. Our cool word games offers a variety of word games for adults, including word searches, crosswords code games and relaxing puzzles all available offline.

⭐Crypto Letters ⭐
This letters and numbers puzzle game is a word game all about clever and intelligent moves. Players try to find a hidden sentence by uncovering each cryptic letter on the board. Like a cross logic and word puzzle game, the hidden words have hints and definitions. Enjoy the thrill of word association game, daily crossword, code games and riddles brain teasers for an engaging brain workout.

Croissant is a dessert, but Logicross brings this word into your home with cypher and crypt. Don’t ask what is the relationship between a crypt and croissant as anything is possible in a cryptic crossword game!

⭐Different Themes⭐
Letter puzzle games present many challenging, logical, and tricky word puzzle levels that will test your IQ and mind. There is also a wide variety of level themes with proverbs, hidden messages, movie quotes, and historical facts. These puzzles will enhance your cultural knowledge and analytic thinking at the same time! Become a cypher and fill in puzzles using your great brain training game skills.

⭐Gold Rush ⭐
Challenge your friends and other players with the Gold Rush mode that brings a weekly challenge to the game. Find the golden letter tiles and earn points. Finish each week on top to get amazing rewards.

Guess the word and unleash your decrypt powers. Cryptic crossword puzzle games, word letters and word connection game masters are welcome to do cryptogram here. Dive into the world of word searches, crosswords, and zen word games in our new offline word game for free, designed for word explorer enthusiasts.

⭐Increase Your Knowledge⭐
Completing levels reveals a cryptic word with deep mysteries and amazing facts. Learning about scientific facts and ancient proverbs has always been smoother! Logicross puzzles will help to reach great word and brain teaser skills.

⭐Complete Your Album⭐
Enhanced progression with the album system encourages players to solve the mysteries and uncover cryptic clues. Complete designated number of levels to unlock new pages for your album, which presents beautiful photos and amazing landscapes.

⭐Tricky Questions !⭐
* Is there a logic word game?
* How does decryption work?
* Is there a cross word puzzle with brain teaser mechanics?
* What are some historical facts that sound cool?

⭐How to Play? ⭐
* Look at the definitions and guess each word.
* Tap on an empty letter box to write a letter and continue from there.
* Find critical letters that connect different words.
* Review each word for easy solutions.
* Complete the target sentence.

⭐Game Features: ⭐
* Endless gameplay with more than 1000 levels.
* Different level categories with exciting subjects.
* Fun word games for free and word games for adults!
* Smooth decryption mechanics that allow easy gameplay.
* Colorful graphics and quality animations.
* Daily challenges and weekly challenges.
* Can be played with one hand.

Download and play the letters and numbers puzzle game today and start training your logic, enhance your brain, boost your memory and get out of boredom!
업데이트 날짜
2024. 12. 28.

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위치, 앱 활동 외 2개 항목
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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 1.25만개
Rick Choi (Chitanda Eru)
2023년 12월 31일
광고를 가끔해서 그렇지만 단어 맞추기 게임 중에서 퀄리티가 매우 좋아요! 단, 영어라서 단어 맞추기가 너무 어렵네요. 조금 아쉬워서 1개의 별만 차감합니다.
사용자 2명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Unico Studio
2024년 1월 2일
정말 감사합니다! 앱의 기능이나 개선 사항을 제안하고 싶으시면 [email protected]로 메일을 보내주세요. 우리는 동일한 내용을 통합하고 귀하로부터 별 5개 등급을 받기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다.
Erwinsc. Park
2024년 1월 7일
내가 본 영어퍼즐 앱중 최고다
사용자 1명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Unico Studio
2024년 1월 8일
귀하의 친절한 리뷰에 진심으로 감사드립니다. 소중한 플레이어 여러분께 서비스를 제공하게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다. 좋은 게임!
Sueon Lee
2024년 11월 3일
재밌어요 아직 2단계중이지만 계속할거에요
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Unico Studio
2024년 11월 3일
게임이 재밌다고 생각하셔서 기쁩니다! 모든 레벨이 새로운 도전을 제공하니, 여정을 즐기세요! 응원해주셔서 감사하고, 즐거운 게임 되세요! 🎯

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