Stresscoach: Reduce Anxiety

ଆପ୍‌ ମଧ୍ୟରେ କ୍ରୟଗୁଡ଼ିକ
565ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା
ବିଷୟବସ୍ତୁ ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି
ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ୍ ଛବି

ଏହି ଆପ୍ ବିଷୟରେ

Self help for anxiety, stress and panic based on CBT, mindfulness and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

Do you struggle with some of your negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions? Are you looking for ways to improve your emotional well-being? Stresscoach is your personal digital coach in your pocket who supports you in times of anxiety and stress.

Learn coping skills for anxiety in just a few minutes a day with Stresscoach. Lesson by lesson and exercise by exercise, you learn to handle anxious feelings, stress and panic attacks. They are all designed to support you in difficult moments.

Download Stresscoach to have your own digital coach on your phone in your pocket. 📱

👋 About Stresscoach 👋

Stresscoach is a digital coach for more happiness and less stress. When you feel anxious, about to have a panic attack, have trouble sleeping or feel restless, Stresscoach offers scientifically validated techniques and self-help programs. Just download the Stresscoach app for free and step by step, you learn how to be more resilient and less stressed.

○ Learn to let go of negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions

○ Go through many chapters, lessons and exercises that build coping skills

○ Understand the psychology behind your anxiety

○ Get a large library of exercises based on cognitive behavioral therapy

○ Learn to use mindfulness to tackle stress and anxiety

🙌 What areas does Stresscoach cover 😊

Each course has a large series of lessons and exercises designed to help you build coping skills and resilience in different areas of your life. Learn techniques to control how you breathe, deal with feelings of anxiety, get some relief when you’re experiencing panic or when you’re being hard on yourself.

○ Mindfulness for anxiety

○ Self compassion

○ Dealing with unpleasant thoughts and worries

○ Handling social anxiety

○ Relaxation / Learning to relax

○ Creating real happiness with the science of happiness

Stresscoach is free to download and use. And there are no ads. A subset of the programs and features are free forever. Subscribe to Stresscoach Plus to get access to the all courses, exercises and meditations.
ଗତ ଅପଡେଟର ସମୟ
ଡିସେମ୍ବର 27, 2024

ଡାଟା ସୁରକ୍ଷା

ଡେଭେଲପରମାନେ ଆପଣଙ୍କ ଡାଟାକୁ କିପରି ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଏବଂ ସେୟାର କରନ୍ତି ସେହି ଧାରଣା ସହିତ ସୁରକ୍ଷା ଆରମ୍ଭ ହୁଏ। ଆପଣଙ୍କ ବ୍ୟବହାର, ଅଞ୍ଚଳ ଏବଂ ବୟସ ଆଧାରରେ, ଡାଟା ଗୋପନୀୟତା ଓ ସୁରକ୍ଷା ପ୍ରାକ୍ଟିସ ଭିନ୍ନ ହୋଇପାରେ। ଡେଭେଲପର ଏହି ସୂଚନା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରିଛନ୍ତି ଏବଂ ସେ ସମୟାନୁସାରେ ଏହାକୁ ଅପଡେଟ କରିପାରନ୍ତି।
ଏହି ଆପ ତୃତୀୟ ପକ୍ଷଗୁଡ଼ିକ ସହ ଏହି ଡାଟା ପ୍ରକାରଗୁଡ଼ିକ ସେୟାର କରିପାରେ
ଆପ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକଳାପ ଓ ଆପ ସୂଚନା ଏବଂ ପରଫରମାନ୍ସ
ଏହି ଆପ ଏହି ପ୍ରକାର ଡାଟା ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରିପାରେ
ବ୍ୟକ୍ତିଗତ ସୂଚନା, ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ଏବଂ ଫିଟନେସ ଏବଂ ଅନ୍ୟ 3ଟି
ଟ୍ରାଞ୍ଜିଟ ସମୟରେ ଡାଟା ଏନକ୍ରିପ୍ଟ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ
ଡାଟା ଡିଲିଟ କରିଦିଆଯାଉ ବୋଲି ଆପଣ ଅନୁରୋଧ କରିପାରିବେ

ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ ଓ ସମୀକ୍ଷା

559ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା

ନୂଆ କଣ ଅଛି

Smaller fixes around the app. Have a great day!