This application presents you with 3027 proverbs with in Dagbani language, sorted in alphabetical order and explained in English.
Scroll down to the letter of the alphabet that you are interested in and open a proverb package of about 50 proverbs beginning with that particular alphabetical letter. Enjoy the Dagbani wisdom and life experience packed in form of short proverbs.
A proverb is a short statement expressing popular advice, a truth of common sense or experience, and which has become in common use.
Proverbs have a special place in the traditional education system. They invite the audience to beware of appearances and to scrutinize the hidden side of things.
The Dagomba people express their conception of life through tales and proverbs. It is thanks to this wisdom that the ancestors succeeded in educating their children. With the proverbs one enters deeply into the soul of the people, one grasps on the spot its impressions, its ideas, its feelings, its rules of life. Proverbs crystallize, so to speak, the wisdom of a people. They are lessons from the experience of centenarians, applied to various circumstances of practical life, lessons of common sense, words of old men.
• Search for words in your App
• Swipe to navigate chapters
• Night Mode for reading during when dark (good for your eyes)
• No additional font installation required. (renders complex scripts well.)
• Friendly user interface with Navigation drawer menu
• Adjustable font size and easy to use interface
ଗତ ଅପଡେଟର ସମୟ
ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର 14, 2023