Mr Katana: Sword Games

Zawiera reklamyZakupy w aplikacji
500 tys.+
Ocena treści
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Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu

Informacje o grze

Welcome to the world of sword games, samurai games and ninja style. Mr Katana is a samurai sword games, numerous weapons and locations for sword fight.
Get to the finish line of the level through the crowd of your samurai enemies in sword play. Cut everyone with your katana sword ninja style! Choice of weapons for games: swords, katana, nunchucks, etc. Move your samurai and crumble sword everyone who gets in your way with sword!
Entire samurai armies are against you. Master samurai one-touch control and learn how to easily destroy thousands of enemies in sword games! Move fast, sword attack effectively and become a real Mr Katana!

Mr Katana Samurai Features.
- Choice of weapons: sword, samurai sword, katana, nunchucks.
- Slice your samurai sword enemies to reach the next level.
- Lots of skins for samurai ninja style.
- Action with sword games, samurai and super bosses.
- Defeat bosses with your katana!

Join us and become a real Mr Samurai Katana! Welcome to the world of sword game! Sword fights against a crowd of samurai are waiting for you!
Ostatnia aktualizacja
22 lut 2024

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