Dead Ahead: Zombie Warfare

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Captură de ecran
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Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran

Despre joc

Band and upgrade units to survive the walking dead hordes and reclaim some semblance of order in tower defense zombie survival games. Master tactical strategies, and engage in intense battles to secure their survival. Are you brave enough to reach the end and reveal the secret of the zombie game?

🧟‍♂️Explore pixel zombie-apocalypse universe🧟‍♀️:
- Follow the storyline and reveal the secret of the zombie invasion
- Numerous locations
- Collect 100+ new survivors and skins with unique abilities
- Unlock a variety of zombies and adapt your tactics to them
- Fight zombie waves, break through barricades, and defend the bus at the same time
- Take part in challenging weekly events
- Lots of quests to complete

Improve unit stats by equipping them with special items in survivor games. Unleash their hidden potential, shaping their prowess according to your strategic vision in zombie defense games.

Assemble a deck with specific combinations of units to trigger team powers – specialized effects that alter the tower defense gameplay landscape in zombies games.

Compete with other players in gripping tower defense weekly events. Each one is a unique opportunity to showcase your strategic thinking, adaptability, and competitive spirit.

Conquer three survival tasks in revamped Daily Tasks and unlock an amazing bonus. Embark on a journey through gripping stories, and intense zombie strategy battles with our quest-driven Chapters section. Collect valuable coins and essential items to power up your units and fortifications in new zombie apocalypse Supply Run mode.

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Prepare to battle for survival and lead your heroes to victory in the ultimate strategy games. The zombie war begins.
Ultima actualizare
25 dec. 2024

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Evaluări și recenzii

772 K de recenzii
Florin Ion
23 decembrie 2024
Good game but when i try to log intro the game its says "conflict. Is this your progress?". It is my progress but the"Yes" button dosent work an it forces me to press the "No" button. I need help.
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Victor Stanca (Cioara Episcop)
21 decembrie 2024
Please keep it up with the story cause I love it
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Cartoaje Adelin
20 decembrie 2024
Foarte bun și ușor am pierdut la o misiune ușoară și la una grea am castigato cu 3 stele dar e foarte Ben sfatul meu strânge 3200 de bănuți sa iei welderul sa distrugi repede baricada și să ai grijă la demoni sunt enervanți rau
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?


Hello, survivors! Here's what's new in this update:
- Christmas is coming! Ten-day Christmas event starting December 20th, with a chance to obtain new units and several unit skins
- A new location 9 with 76 new missions and 2 new challenges
- Class upgrades
- Resource inventory
- New enemies: marauder Brute and Tough Blue zombie
- New skins for Maria, Swat and Lester
- New item sets: Piercing and Carbon
And lots of other smaller changes!