NutriMate - Tracker post

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Despre aplicație

Start your intermittent fasting journey with NutriMate, an intuitive and effective fasting tracker designed to enhance your well-being and mindful eating.
By using the intermittent fasting tracker, you can experience numerous benefits — stop unhealthy snacking and trying fad diets, build up healthy nutrition habits, get an improved metabolism, and so much more. You can achieve your weight loss goals without diets, calorie counting, and intense exercise.


Simple Fasting Tracker
Monitor and manage your fasting periods effortlessly.

Food Scanner
Estimate the caloric value, proteins, fats, and carbs content. Analyze ingredients in detail, determine the nutrition score, and get recommendations on how to improve it.

Multiple Fasting Plans
Choose from a range of fasting diet programs tailored to both beginners and experienced dieters. Our diet plans suit your preferences and goals – Easy Start, 16:8, OMAD, The Warrior Diet, and more. Also, you can create a customized manual schedule that perfectly slots into your daily routine.

Body Status Monitor
Identifies and tracks key stages on your intermittent fasting timer. Understand what’s happening in your body during your fasts.

Meal Planner
Plan your meals to become more successful in weight loss. With easy-to-use Meal Planning you'll always have healthy and satisfying meals on hand and won't resort to eating processed foods.

Progress Tracker
Weight loss is a common goal for many who use intermittent fasting trackers. Get fasting statistics, such as the duration and frequency of your fasts. Monitor your weight progress and celebrate your fasting diet successes along the way.

Mood Tracker
Observe the connection between fasting, losing weight, and your emotional well-being with our mood tracker. Discover patterns that contribute to your overall mental and emotional health.

With this simple fasting tracker, you can embrace a healthier lifestyle. Say goodbye to poorly-balanced diets and portion control. Our intermittent fasting timer will keep you on course, allowing you to track your fasts and achieve your weight loss goals. Discover the power of a fasting diet as you boost your health, improve nutrition, and unlock a better version of yourself. It's time to make NutriMate intermittent fasting tracker a part of your life!
Ultima actualizare
23 dec. 2024

Siguranța datelor

Siguranța începe cu înțelegerea modului în care dezvoltatorii îți colectează și trimit datele. Practicile de securitate și confidențialitate a datelor pot varia în funcție de modul de utilizare, de regiune și de vârsta ta. Dezvoltatorul a oferit aceste informații și le poate actualiza în timp.
Aplicația poate trimite terților următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Informații cu caracter personal și încă 4
Aplicația poate colecta următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Informații cu caracter personal și încă 4
Datele sunt criptate în timpul transmiterii
Poți solicita ca datele să fie șterse

Evaluări și recenzii

1,18 K de recenzii
Mandrean Catalin
10 ianuarie 2025
Nice app
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?
Extramile Limited
10 ianuarie 2025
Hi Mandrean! Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that you’re enjoying NutriMate. If you have any suggestions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re here to help!