꧁ *ʀᴀᴋᴀ*꧂ AMASHA
- නුසුදුසු ලෙස ලකුණු කරන්න
- සමාලෝචන ඉතිහාසය දක්වන්න
Orsem game is at the end of my friends are for me too much to me that you are not the same thing I can get the money for a while and I have a great day today with my family and I will have to do it again soon to get a hold of you who don't have a nice time at home with you and I have no idea how to get the money for a few minutes to go and forth between us is the only one that was the best thing to say that you have a great day at the same thing to say that you have to be in a bit more than I😎
පුද්ගලයින් 9කට මෙම සමාලෝචනය ප්රයෝජනවත් විය