Hotelsmotor je najboljši pomočnik za neodvisnega popotnika. Hotelske rezervacije spremenimo v enostaven in hiter proces ter pomagamo pri prihranku do 70% cene sobe.
▪ Zagotavljamo najboljšo ceno - v naši aplikaciji lahko enostavno in hitro najdete najboljše hotelske ponudbe iz vseh večjih rezervacijskih sistemov.
▪ Najdemo več hotelov – najdemo več kot 5 milijonov ponudb.
▪ Pokrivamo ves svet - več kot 200 držav, več kot 40 jezikov in 120 valut.
Ne glede na to, v katerem kotičku sveta, za koliko časa in kdaj potrebujete hotel, hostel ali apartma - bomo vedno našli najboljšo rešitev, cena nastanitve pa vas bo prijetno presenetila. Naš iskalnik hotelov poskenira na stotine tisoč ponudb iz vodilnih rezervacijskih sistemov in najde najboljše popuste in možnosti, ki vam najbolj ustrezajo.
Našli boste barvite fotografije, resnične ocene turistov in podroben opis vsakega hotela. Priročni iskalni filtri za vse vrste parametrov, od števila zvezdic do razpoložljivosti parkirišča in bazena, vam bodo pomagali, da se ne zmedete in izberete pravo nastanitev. Interaktivni zemljevid vam omogoča izbiro in rezervacijo hotela na pravi lokaciji.
Key features of the app
▪ Iskanje hotelov in hostlov po vsem svetu
▪ Rezervacija hotela s popustom
▪ Primerjava hotelskih cen iz vseh rezervacijskih sistemov
▪ »Hoteli v moji bližini« - iskanje hotelov v bližini vaše lokacije
▪ Ocene in mnenja strank
▪ Iskanje hotelov na zemljevidu
▪ Last minute hotelske ponudbe
Naša storitev je popolnoma brezplačna; ne zaračunavamo dodatnih pristojbin ali skritih stroškov. Izberite mesto, datume in potujte udobno.
Hotelsmotor - prenesite najboljšo aplikacijo za iskanje hotelov!
English description
Hotelsmotor is the best assistant for an independent traveler. We turn hotel reservations into an easy and fast process, as well as help to save up to 70% of the room rate.
▪ We guarantee the best price - in our application you can easily and quickly find the best hotel deals from all major reservation systems.
▪ We find more hotels – we are searching for more than 5 million hotel offers.
▪ We cover the whole world - more than 200 countries, more than 40 languages, and 120 currencies.
No matter, in which corner of the globe, for how long and when you need a hotel, hostel or apartment - we will always find you the best solution, and the price of accommodation will pleasantly surprise you. Our hotel search engine scans hundreds of thousands of offers from leading booking systems and finds the best discounts and the options, that suits you best.
Find the best hotel offers
You will find colorful photos, real reviews of tourists and a detailed description of each hotel. Convenient search filters for all kinds of parameters from star rating, to the availability of parking and swimming pool, will help not to get confused and select the right accommodation. An interactive map will allow you to make a choice and book a hotel in the right area.
Key features of the app
▪ Searching for hotels and hostels worldwide
▪ Hotel reservation with discount
▪ Comparison of hotel prices from all reservation systems
▪ “Hotels near me” - searching for hotels & motels near your location
▪ Cheap hotel deals every day
▪ Customer ratings and reviews
▪ Searching for hotels on a map
▪ Last minute hotel deals
Our service is absolutely free; we do not charge any additional fees or hidden payments. Choose a city, dates, and travel with comfort.
Hotelsmotor – easy to find available hotels near me.
Download the best hotel finder app!
Posodobljeno dne
3. sep. 2024
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