★ zelo natančen motor BPM ★
★ Designed in preizkušen s strani poklicnih glasbenikov ★
★ Perfect tako za napredne in amaterje ★
Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats vam ponuja veliko izbiro žlebov, utripov in tonov. Udarci so razdeljeni v kategorije, tako da lahko preprosto izberete svoj žanr in hitrost, da bi igrali svojo skladbo.
Razvrstite lahko uganke z: BPM, tempo in drugimi. Če želite - izberite svoje najljubše skladbe in naredite svoj seznam.
★ Aplikacija ima organiziran in intuitiven vmesnik. Z njo lahko izbirate med mnogimi razpoložljivimi vzorci.
Inteligentno oblikovan motor bobna vam omogoča, da spremenite hitrost / BPM vsakega utripanja. Tako je še bolj zabavno vaditi in ne potrebujete svojega metronoma ali bobna.
★ Visoka kakovost zvoka omogoča zvok aplikacije odlično, ali za zasebno prakso ali če je razširjeno za skupinske predstave.
Rezultat je neverjetna priročna in uporabna aplikacija, posvečena glasbenikom. Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats vam lahko pomaga tudi, da napišete svojo pesem: kdo je kdaj napisal hit brez lepega ritma za njim?
★ Nastavljiva hitrost tempa
★ Igrajte v ozadju
★ Sortiranje tunov
★ veliko utripov, melodij in bobnih ozadij
★ Lahko se uporablja kot metronom
Če imate kakršne koli pripombe, povratne informacije ali potrebujete pomoč pri Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats, pošljite e-pošto na
[email protected]---
★ Highly accurate BPM engine ★
★ Designed and tested by professional musicians ★
★ Perfect both for advanced and amateurs ★
Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats gives you a big choice of grooves, beats and tones. The beats are divided in categories, so that you can easily select your genre and the speed to play your track.
You can sort beats by: BPM,tempo and other. If y ou want - choose your favourite tracks and make your own list.
★ Application has organized and intuitive interface. Using it you can choose among many available samples.
An intelligently designed drum engine let's you change the speed / BPM of each beat. This makes practicing even more fun and you don't need your metronome or drum machine.
★ High sound quality makes app sounds great whether for private practice or when amplified for group performances.
The result is an incredible handy and useful app dedicated to any musicians. Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats can also help you write your own song: who has ever written a hit without a nice rhythm behind it?
★ Adjustable tempo speed
★ Play in background
★ Tunes sorting
★ Many beats, tunes and drum backgrounds
★ Can be use as metronome
If you have any comments, feedback or you need help with Drum Loops - Drum and Bass Beats, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]