Chicken Run 2 : An Adventure E

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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

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Chicken run 2 : An adventure escape!!! is a simple 2D run and jump platform game with one touch fast paced runner game play.

The story begins as our chicken is happily living in a farm. One day happy life in the farm ends when farmer sold our chicken to a butcher. Butcher carried the chicken in a car from farm to hotel in the city, our chicken jump and escapes from the butcher's car and start running to jungle. Butcher doesn’t know our chicken escaped from his car and started running to the jungle.

In this adventure run, chicken has to run an jump through city, farm, Halloween and jungle to reach its destination in jungle. it will be good adventurous run and jump game for all including the children.

Our cute little chicken has to jump on obstacles and run to the jungle, running through farm, city and Halloween world. Jump on the head of the enemies to kill them.

This chicken adventure escape game consists of 4 worlds with 24 stages that contain plot twists and thrilling moments. All together Chicken Run 2: An Adventure escape, make the best game of the month. Additionally, coin eggs and the effects make the gameplay exciting and addictive even for kids.

Our little chicken needs run into the city, farm, Halloween and jungle through different platforms and take all eggs to reach the chicken’s home. Chicken has to take all eggs in all worlds to keep the energy level high.

There are different 80 enemy animals with unique animation which will block our chicken. Our little chicken has to jump on the animals to kill them and run to jungle farm and Halloween land. There will be a lot of adventures waiting for our chicken's adventure trip.

One touch fast paced runner game play makes this adventure run interesting and addictive for children, which will make this game one of the best one in children games.

We have incorporated the best graphics and sounds to make this Chicken run 2 : An adventure escape game play awesome.


1. One touch 2D platformer run game makes the game playable for any age. Even a small kid can easily play.
2. Want to check the surprise of 4 different worlds with 24 different stages.
3. Have more than 80 different enemies.
4. Have eggs and hearts powerups.
5. Have background music and sound effect make gameplay realistic.
6. Support SD card installation.
7. Simple and playable for all including kids.

Download and enjoy Chicken run 2 : An adventure escape...
Përditësuar më
4 nën 2018

Siguria e të dhënave

Siguria fillon me njohjen e mënyrës se si i mbledhin dhe i ndajnë zhvilluesit të dhënat e tua. Praktikat për privatësinë dhe sigurinë e të dhënave mund të variojnë bazuar në përdorimin, rajonin dhe moshën tënde. Këto informacione janë dhënë nga zhvilluesi dhe ato mund të përditësohen me kalimin e kohës.
Ky aplikacion mund të ndajë këto lloje të dhënash me palë të treta
Vendndodhja dhe ID-të e pajisjeve ose të tjera
Nuk mblidhen të dhëna
Mëso më shumë për mënyrën se si e deklarojnë zhvilluesit mbledhjen e të dhënave
Të dhënat janë enkriptuar gjatë transferimit