Idle Zombie Survivor

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1 ming+
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Hey! We need crazy hunters like you! Hop in the truck and grab a weapon, let’s crush zombies together!

This is a post-apocalyptic world where every nook and every street is infested with zombies. Don’t let these former sportsmen and school teachers fool you around. The only way to survive is to annihilate all the zombies! Ready for the ultimate challenge? Face the deadliest bosses!

Lots of weapons and armor
Choose your battle style. Shotgun, grenade, rifle, revolver - these badass survivors know everything about fighting!
Easy controls
This is an idle at its best! Even while you are doing nothing, the truck is moving, the character and his teammates are shooting, zombies are coming closer and closer. Restart when lose and keep on fighting! Just don’t forget to upgrade when you earn enough money.
Upgrade again and again
Skills, arsenal, companions. Enhance everything with just one finger!
Intense action
Try out our new zombie survival idling shooter and enjoy post-apocalyptic adventure. Look around every corner. Clean the streets from hordes of monsters.
Dive in the post-apocalyptic world and become a legend of this cursed place. Download Zombie Idle Survival now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-noy, 2023

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