Ace Fighter: Modern Air Combat

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
217 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Got bored of traditional flight simulation and airplane games? Need some real challenge?

Try "Ace Fighter: Modern Air Combat" and Become the supreme leader of the skies! Feel the power of Modern combat in 3D sky dogfight! Unleash the might of your plane's arsenal on enemy jets and light up the skies with blazing explosions.

Ace Fighter: Modern Air Combat transfers you to the world of modern war planes and supersonic jet fighters. Join players from around the globe in an ultimate multiplayer PvP combat for air force domination. Military aeronautics at it’s finest brings you huge variety of aircrafts and air planes.

-> Complete Airforce contains 20+ fighters based on the real modern prototyped aircrafts for your action-packed dogfighting.
-> A set of 15+ Unique Missiles and Anti-Missiles!
-> Brand New Immersive Dogfight System!
-> Call Air Support to crush your enemies!
-> Console Quality AAA Graphics: Immersive yourself in the full 3D, 360-degree environment: cityscape, desert, mountain and more.
-> Easy and smooth controls
-> Designed for players of all generations and skill levels
-> Exciting VFX effect!
-> Cinematic Kill Camera

Jump into your Modern warplane and fire until the skies are clear of enemies!
You will be able to fight on all the best known pursuit planes and airborne interceptors of our generation, as well as war prototypes of leading air forces.

Don't wait Pilot! just get it now in no time, the game is free!
Play Ace Fighters and rule the skies!

Having any problems? Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you!
Do not hesitate to reach us at support at [email protected].
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyl, 2024

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