Color Merge Puzzle

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Experience the art of color mixing with "Color Merge Puzzle". Here, your canvas becomes a vibrant, color-filled puzzle waiting to be solved.

The game begins with a few basic colors at your disposal. By dragging and dropping them onto a larger canvas, you create a mixture of colors. Each combination, whether you're using RGB, black, white, or any other provided hues, influences the final shade.

The goal? To match your color mixtures with pieces of a hue puzzle displayed at the top of the screen. In the initial levels, you'll try to create around 60 different shades from the base colors.

Take advantage of our "undo" and "reset" features when you need to fine-tune your mixture. Stuck or need some inspiration? Use the "reveal" button to view a gradient list of all potential colors and track your progress.

As you advance, you'll encounter puzzles that transform into famous paintings like "Starry Night," bringing an added layer of excitement to the game.

"Color Merge Puzzle" is more than just a game; it's a journey through the art world, an exploration of color, and a test of your creativity. Merge, mix, and create a masterpiece!
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-noy, 2024

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7,01 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Bug fixes and performance improvements.