Jewel Athena: Match 3 blast

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
33,3 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Have you heard about ancient temple in the greek civilization? There are lots of jewels in the ancient city. The mission is to find the ancient city in the temple and blast the jewels to survive with the jewels. Blast away as many jewels as possible and as quickly as possible.

Jewel Athena is a match 3 game that takes ancient temple in the greek civilization. Match three jewels to blast them. Enjoy the bejeweled game with awesome high quality background. There are special items that have special abilities. Try out different special abilities and find out which one will help you solve the puzzle. New stages are updated monthly. Let's see who can beat all the puzzles.

[Play Method]
Move jewelry and match at least three identical colored jewelry.

[Game Features]
Numerous levels
- We have 500+ stages with continuous updates.
Play games without entrance restrictions, but you don't need data!
- There's no limit to games such as lives, so you can play as much as you want!
- Play Offline Without Data (Internet) Connections!
- Don't worry about Wi-Fi!

Flashy graphics and simple manipulation
- It's an easy game to play if you can match 3 gems of the same color.
It's easy to learn, but not easy to master!
- It's a low-memory game, so you can download it without any worry.

1. If in-game does not save, the data will be initialized when the application is deleted.
The data is also initialized when the device is replaced.
2. It's a free app, but it includes in-game currency, items, and paid products such as removing advertisements.
3. Front, banner, and visual advertising.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-okt, 2024

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