Carrom Cricket: Disc Pool Game

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Play Cricket in Carrom - New Carrom 3D board game - disc pool game.
Carrom Cricket is a unique fusion of India's favourite games Cricket and Carrom Game!

The best-in class disc pool based carrom board game. So, if you love carrom, this is a nice classic carrom, play online with friends, carrom board offline, freestyle carrom and if you love cricket, then again, this is a nice cricket on an online carrom disc pool game. Play carrom with friends and family or with some strangers and have fun with it. Our game's physics is also best and very high quality graphics with league system.

Carrom games are popular in Indian subcontinent, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Saudi Arabia, and UAE area. Fun and fast paced disc pool board games. India's most popular board game - Carrom Cricket!

Free style, Classic carrom and Cricket mode: 20-20, One-day and Test format
Various rooms are available to play: Mumbai, Islamabad, Dhaka, Dubai, Riyadh etc.
Carrom Leagues - Pucks and Stricker rewards
Skilled based match-making in carrom online multiplayer
Free Carrom Board Games with Free Strikers
New Pucks and Strikers are available to play
Play Carrom online with friends
Chat with real people in carrom game
Play Carrom Board Offline
Exciting Tournaments and Leagues
Play with friends and computer
Unlock Arenas
Cricket and Carrom Board: a disc pool game
Karom game, Karrom Game
Creating a Carrom Pool in disc board game.

Carrom Cricket is one of the most popular board games - disc pool game in Asia.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-okt, 2024

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