Cat Block: Cute Sliding Puzzle

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5 ming+
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Cat Block: Cute Sliding Puzzle is a simple and addictive sliding block puzzle game! Try your best to solve the puzzle and you may gain endless fun!

Join the wildest adventure of your life and have a blast! Slide and slider and slidey!

Are you looking for a fun, challenging puzzle game with adorable cats? Not only for cat lovers, Cat Block: Cute Sliding Puzzle is a puzzle game for all those who want to relax and challenge their brain after stressful working and studying hours.

• Horizontal blocks can move from side to side.
• Vertical blocks can move up and down.
• Unblock the exit to solve the puzzle!
• Cute unique graphics
• Unlock cats with special magic

Slide the cats left or right and make a complete line to clear the row.
Join the world of cute cats in Cat Block. This Cute Sliding Puzzle is a great combination of cute popcat, relaxing meow sound and creative gameplay that will keep you entertained for hours.

Cute Sliding Puzzle is a fun but challenging puzzle game.

You need to move the blocks horizontally to make blocks blast. As blocks falling down, try to fill the rows and earn points.
You'll have to think logically and come up with your ideas to fill the rows
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2023

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