Ice Princess World Party Story

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1 ming+
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The Kingdom of Ice and Snow is throwing a lively party, filled with a joyful atmosphere all around!
Join the Ice Princess in exploring and uncovering the little secrets hidden throughout the kingdom.
Here, you can indulge in delicious food and music from the ice and snow party, enjoy dazzling performances, customize your own unique outfits, experience the thrill of ice skating, and watch the fireworks from a boat at night.

Party Hall:
Put on your gorgeous gown and join the party. Play musical instruments to enliven the stage, and watch as people follow the music and dance. Prepare and savor the delicious food at the party.

Castle Garden:
The gardeners are meticulously trimming the plants with their tools, while resplendent princesses are hosting a tea party amidst the flora. Little animals perform jumps under the direction of their trainers, filling the air with laughter and joy.

Royal Theater:
Settle into the audience seats with snacks and beverages, and enjoy the captivating performances on stage. Backstage, makeup artists are preparing for the next show, as you can see them applying delicate makeup on the performers.

Tailor Shop:
What kind of gowns, masks, and necklaces do you desire? We'll bring your ideas to life right here. Once they're ready, try them on — they look absolutely stunning.

Ice Skating Rink on the Lake:
Princesses can glide and dance on the ice, or engage in an exciting game of curling. Some princesses are even collecting ice blocks and carving them into statues and costumes.

Sailing Life:
Enjoy tea and desserts on board while dressing up as a crew member to experience life at sea. The ship will set off a variety of fireworks, and the captain is on watch, observing the sea conditions to ensure the safety of the voyage.

1. Hundreds of DIY character appearances, makeup, and costumes
2. Craft unique clothes, masks, and necklaces based on designs
3. Simulate party scenarios
4. Cook and prepare dishes
5. Ice dancing and curling competitions
6. Open-world exploration with free dragging and collection, experiencing a variety of party activities
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-dek, 2024

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中国 山东省青岛市 市北区龙城路31号3号楼802户 邮政编码: 266000
+86 182 2451 5107

Big Ruby Studios – boshqa ilovalar