Gold Miner Las Vegas

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19,5 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Gold Miner Las Vegas is one of the most addictive gold miner game what will bring you to a Las Vegas where gold everywhere and anyone can get rich with reel and a little luck. You will be a gold digger collect a lot of gold, diamond and many challenges are waiting for you.

Gold Miner Las Vegas focus to the design and graphic, so you must be very happy with the game quality. The game play will make sure anyone can play and gold mine level will increase time by time. In some first levels you will see everything become easy but later on it will be difficult levels and even crazy difficult.

If you are looking for a game what can help you killing time or a game can make you play and relax for years then this game will be the best choice. If you are looking for a gold miner game then this will be a perfect choice too.

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Gold Miner Las Vegas features:

● 1000+ levels with a lot of surprise things.
● Many gold miner game mode: Challenge and Battle Multiplayer.
● Many fun stuffs to Play: Gold in many size, Diamond in many size, Gold booster, diamond booster, lucky item, rock booster, Strength, Timer, Collect all Gold item, Collect all Diamond item, destroy all Rocks item, Bomb with Timer, Fast claw, fast time, fast animals, show/hide elements...
● Daily reward and earn FREE boosters, rubies as delicious prize.
● A lot of FREE rubies with sweet surprises!
● Leaderboards with daily reward for top list in battle mode.
● Legendary list in battle.
● It's easy to sync the game between devices with social accounts.

Have fun playing Gold Miner Las Vegas - the most addictive gold miner game ever.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-okt, 2024

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17,5 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Update target api 34, min api 21+, Billing lib 6.2.1, Mobile SDK 23.0.0, Remove open app ads, support unlimited challenge, fix missing challenge 250, fix leaderboard battle reward weekly, reduce file size