Fancy Makeup Beauty Salon

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50 ming+
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Hi, welcome! For a long time we want to know you and this will happen today. Well, here you'll have fun and you learn even more beauty tricks. If you want to prepare for a party, for school or for a walk in the park you need a perfect makeup. If you do not understand very well the eye shadow application we will learn everything you need to know and all your friends admire you.
Our salon is well known in town and every day come very many clients who want to always look good. For a girl hairstyle and makeup are very important and therefore our business is successful and now you'll definitely help us and we will have increasingly more clients.
If you want to prove to everyone that you are a responsible child you manage to do this only through this make up game.
This salon game for girls has instructions that will help you solve all stages.

- First you have to prepare all you need for facial masks;
- You need: eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, honey and fruit;
- Add egg yolk and oil;
- Mix well;
- Wash the skin with exfoliating gel;
- Rinse with warm water;
- Apply the mask;
- Then clean the skin with paper towels;
- Remove stains;
- Eliminate acne;
- Clip the eyebrows;
- Clean blackheads;
- Wash her hair with shampoo and warm water;
- Apply conditioner for the hair;
- Dry her hair;
- Cut the tops damaged;
- Arrange hair;
- Now you have to makeup on your young client;
- Apply a moisturizer;
- Apply: eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, powder cheeks and brow pencil;
- Now you have to help her choose the most beautiful clothes;
- Choose the best dress;
- Do not forget the accessories;
- Choose the most comfortable shoes;
- Young is beautiful, you did a great job.

Thanks for your help and please come back every day through this makeover game.

Have fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-okt, 2016

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