CMF Pro 2 Watch Face

Yoshga oid cheklov

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Introducing CMF - Clean Matrix Framework Pro 2 Watch Face (For Wear OS), a watch face designed for those who appreciate clean, understated design with a touch of sophistication. Built around a modern dot matrix concept, it’s all about clarity, customization, and staying in tune with your style.

Standout Features:

28 Striking Color Themes: Switch effortlessly between 28 eye-catching color schemes to match your mood, outfit, or vibe.
1 Circular Complication: Keep what matters most at a glance, whether it’s your fitness stats, weather, or calendar. The circular complication keeps it subtle but impactful.
2 Data Complications: Customize your display with key metrics like steps, battery life, or next events – essential info, just when you need it.
12/24 Hour Time: Whether you’re a fan of the traditional 12-hour format or the functional 24-hour style, CMF Pro 2 has you covered.
Digital Time Display: The futuristic dot-matrix design elevates your digital watch experience with sharp precision and a timeless aesthetic.

Why CMF Pro 2?

No clutter. No distractions. Just a clear, bold, and effortless design that fits into any part of your day. With CMF Pro 2, customization goes hand-in-hand with simplicity. The 28 color themes let you shift from business to casual with a tap, while the circular and data complications put essential information right where you want it—front and center.

This is for those who want their watch face to be as dynamic as they are, while keeping it minimal and refined. Whether you're working out, heading into a meeting, or relaxing, CMF Pro 2 adapts seamlessly.


Compatible with all Wear OS devices, CMF Pro 2 is optimized for smooth performance and easy customization, bringing a premium experience to your wrist.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-sen, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

Improved Design with new customizations