Dark Romance: Sleepy Hollow

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Play puzzles and brain teasers in one of the best new easy mystery hidden object games! In this one of the top casual free hidden object adventure full games, your goal is to find out hidden objects needed to become a hero!

Sleepy Hollow is in danger! When an old friend from your hometown writes to you about a series of strange murders, you rush to their aid! The townspeople live in fear after sightings of the fabled Headless Horseman arise. Each appearance is followed swiftly by the demise of a local resident. You’ll need all your detective skills to crack the case, especially with mysterious criminals working against you. Do you have what it takes to solve the mystery behind the murders, or will you become the Horseman’s next victim? Find out in this chilling Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!

💖 Vengeful witches have harnessed the headless horseman against the humans of sleepy hollow, and the town needs your help!
Play different seek and find games free to solve the case and save the next victim! Show off your skills and win all hidden object games free offline.

💖 Play and re-play hops, mini-games, and puzzles, and earn every achievement!
We’ve prepared a list of different achievements that you can eat while playing search and find games. Can you seek and find them all?

💖 Collect all the tools in the witch's toolkit, complete your insectarium, then buy gear for the mayor's room using your magic stones!
Travel through beautiful locations, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for tons of collectible items scattered around finding object games!

💖 Download original music, wallpapers, and concept art!
Visit the Extra menu to enjoy a variety of different bonuses, such as seek and find hidden objects puzzles, wallpapers, music, and more!

💖 Should you lose your way around sleepy hollow, look no further than the helpful strategy guide!
If you ever get stuck while playing seek and find games, a handy Strategy Guide is ready to help you!

This game has a free trial part. You can unlock the full version through an in-app purchase.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]
Visit our website to play more brain teasers and puzzles: http://dominigames.com
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Play great hidden object games no wifi needed to win domini games hidden adventure!
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-iyl, 2024

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