Princesses team Dress up

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100 ming+
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3 princesses gathered in one place! Please dress up all of them at once.
Dressing up multiple people is always more fun than just one!
If you've always dressed up only one princess, try dressing up three of them together.
Our team dress up series is for future fashion designers.
There are princesses with cool concepts that will thrill fashionistas.
The concept of preparing for a wedding, the concept of an ice princess in the frozen kingdom, etc...
Prepare blush, lipstick and eye makeup for Anna, Lily and Ariel.
Prepare the veil and bouquet for the princess' wedding.
Dress up the princess by choosing dresses, crowns, glass slippers and necklaces.
And finally, choose a pet that the princesses love and add a cool background to complete the beautiful princess scene.
A cool dress up game for Peach, Jasmine and Elsa is here.
Complete an awesome team dress up and play our other team dress up games.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-iyn, 2023

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