Set Basic: Card Matching Game

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1 ming+
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Set Basic is a simple rendition of the match-three card game.

Each card has a color, shape, pattern and number. A set consists of 3 cards that either match fully or are completely different across each of those attributes. Every combination of color, shape, pattern and number is a unique card within the deck, making 81 total cards. Cards are dealt 3 at a time, until at least 12 cards are dealt and there is one possible set. The game is complete when there are no remaining sets.

It's confusing, don't worry! Set Basic comes with a detailed tutorial, a training mode, and a practice mode.

Once you have the game figured out, head over to Solitaire, where you have 240 unique deals of the deck to play, plus a new daily deal every day.

Games are scored out of three stars, where you earn 1 star for completion, 1 star for not using a hint, and 1 star for not making any mistakes. It's not easy to get three stars. Regular Solitaire games can be restarted if you make a mistake, but the Daily challenge cannot. You only get one shot!

NEW! Timed mode, race against the clock to find 10 sets or you'll fail and have to start again. Be wary of the Daily Timed mode challenge, as you only get one attempt...

For practice games, you have unlimited hints, for Solitaire (regular and daily) you have a limited number of hints and more can be purchased as desired.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-yan, 2024

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Brian Nicholas Herman De Wolff
2787 H Street Rd Blaine, WA 98230-9281 United States

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