Detectives United 5: F2P

Ilova ichida xaridlar
315 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Solve puzzles and brain teasers in this mystery adventure! Search for hidden objects! Your target is the hidden object mystery games!!

Will you manage to uncover the mystery hidden object games of Detectives United 5: Deadly Debt? Test yourself in crime scene investigation hidden object solving games. Solve unsolved puzzles, explore unusual locations and learn all secrets of the notorious couple. You have a great investigation to learn what surprise the unknown villains prepare for the three detectives this time.

A series of detective stories with a mystical search for objects. detective investigation story.

The detective investigation story takes place when the detectives find out that this is the doing of a couple of lovers. Why does a mysterious criminal have nothing to lose in this exciting detective game?

● Seek and find mystery detective out.
How do lovers commit crimes? Can you spot their mysterious activities?

● How is the mysterious violin tied to all of this?
Solve mystery puzzles and complete fun mini-games to find out how the violin started the chain of tragic events and who is in fact behind them.

● Find out if the detectives will make it out alive on this adventure
Complete engaging HO is finding game scenes and feel the thrill caused by the unexpected plot twists.

● Find out what happened to the mystic violin in the bonus chapter!
Play as the detectives again to make sure the dangerous artifact doesn’t fall into wrong hands and enjoy the bonuses of Collector’s Edition! Earn a variety of unique achievements! Tons of collectibles and puzzle pieces to find! Enjoy replayable HOPs and mini-games, exclusive wallpapers, soundtrack, concept art, and more!

Discover more from Elephant Games!
Note that this is a free trial version of the game. You can get the full version by means of an in-app purchase.

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Solve mysteries and clues in these great adventures mystery criminal detective casual hidden object games!
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-apr, 2024

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Fixed minor bugs.