Paranormal Files: Truth Trap

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297 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Play puzzles and brain teasers in this trap adventure ! Enjoy the search and find in hidden object mystery journey! Your target is to seek the needed things to stop the mystery dark magician.

Paranormal detective Rick Rogers enjoys his time off in a paranormal festival, when a new case knocks on his door. Festival headliners went missing without a trail and it seems that only Rick can solve this mystery! What supernatural forces are at play? Who follows Rick and is it a friend or a foe? Can you help Rick Rogers sniff out every secret and get everyone out alive? Find out in this thrilling Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure!

● Help rick rogers solve the mystery of missing festival headliners
When Rick was asked to speak at a paranormal festival, he thought that it can be a nice vacation. But things quickly go south as some of the festival headliners mysteriously disappear, and Rick is asked to take on this case. Will Rick be able to sniff out every little secret and figure out a way to save everyone in time?

● Uncover your friends darkest secrets
Play challenging puzzles and hidden object scenes to prove that no secret can be hidden from the bright and cheerful Rick Rogers.

● In bonus chapter: learn rick’s and his friends deepest fears and try to fight them
After saving everyone, Rick is ready to enjoy some quality time with his new friends, but the board game they start playing turns their deepest fears into reality! Will they find the strength to fight the fears or will they fall and become their victims?

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Note that this is a free trial version of the game. You can get the full version by means of an in-app purchase

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Oxirgi yangilanish
28-noy, 2024

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